2023.10.03 Ming Chuan University Academic year 2023-24 Professional Publication Award is open for applications from now to October 31, 2023.


To encourage faculty members to publish professional publications, this award is open for applications from now to October 31, 2023 in accordance with “The Ming Chuan University Research / Study Reward Application Procedures for Faculty Members”

The publishing date of publications submitted should be between January 1, 2021 to October 31, 2023.

Faculty members who apply must fill in Academic Book Reward Application online through MCU eForm (https://eform.mcu.edu.tw/node/3341)and prepare following documents before the deadline and submit to Research and Development Division after being signed by their unit director. Research and Development Division will send the documents to MCU Academic Review Committee for review.
1. Application form (https://eform.mcu.edu.tw/node/3341)
2. 2 copies of professional publication
3. 1 copy of publishing unit review document(s)
4. For professional publications in humanities and social sciences, proof of not being funded by NSTC or other units is required.

Moreover, the following are not eligible for this award: dissertations, textbooks, manuals, translated works, publications that have previously been awarded funding and non-academic works.
We encourage you to apply. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Hung, Chi-Chun of Research and Development Division (ginah@mail.mcu.edu.tw ext. 2653). Thank you.


Best regards,

Research and Development Division
Hung, Chi-Chun (Ext.2653)