2023.12.27 Announcement of 2023-24 AY Research Center Accreditation Results

Announcement of 2023-24 AY Research Center Accreditation Results Research Center Accreditation Result Award Internet Volume & New Media Research Center Superior First Place ★Certificate and monetary reward for Superior Performance ★Director of the Research Center granted a monetary reward Urban Adaptive Planning and Disaster Mitigation Design Research Center Superior Second Place ★Certificate and monetary reward for Superior Performance ★Director of …

2023.10.03 Ming Chuan University Faculty Research Guidance Achievement Applications Starting today through October 31, 2023

Dear colleagues: Faculty members who have applied for research guidance during years 2021 and 2022 in accordance with “Procedures for Ming Chuan University Research Guidance”and have relevant achievements before September 30, 2023, are asked to please complete “Ming Chuan University Faculty Research Guidance Achievement Form” at Ming Chuan University e-form platform online (https://eform.mcu.edu.tw/node/3343) and submit it to Research and Development …